
欢迎来到……学院 研究生 研究

Fisk University offers MA degrees in Natural Science Disciplines of Biology, 化学, 和物理, 还有临床心理学. Fisk is also engaged in multiple partnerships with other institutions to link our Master’s trainees with 博士学位 programs in their field of interest. Examples of those programs include the Fisk-Vanderbilt Master’s-to-博士学位 Bridge Program in Physics, 化学, 和生物(在这里看到的).

研究生院院长:杨志强博士. 布莱恩肯特华莱士





Dr. 布莱恩·L. 那里提取, 博士学位




Dr. 阿诺德汉堡, 博士学位


Dr. 希拉•彼得斯, 博士学位


Dr. Tdka乞力马扎罗, 博士学位


研究生学习 整体 timeline

秋季学期 第一年


  • Required courses, determined in consultation with the 研究生院院长 in your program.
  • Participation in the 研究生 School Professional Skills and Responsible Conduct of Research Seminar (weekly, 必需的-下面有更详细的描述). The final assignment in this course is an electronic Poster Presentation of the 整体 research area under investigation in your anticipated research advisor’s laboratory and the probable research project that you will undertake as your research thesis. Note that this assignment requires that students have been aggressively pursuing the identification of their research mentor.
  • 研究导师的考虑:在一些项目中, students will enter 研究生学习 knowing who their research mentor will be. 在其他项目中, students will be expected to visit and meet with at least two and generally more thesis dissertation supervisors who are accepting new graduate students the Fall of their matriculation to learn about their work, 阅读他们的论文, 在与教员的讨论中, learn if their research program is a match for a student’s interests and preferred learning environment. 如果学生被已经确定的研究主管/导师接受, the student’s mentor will take responsibility for introducing the graduate student to other ongoing work in the discipline ongoing at Fisk and at our collaborating institutions.
  • In those programs where students are matched with a mentor/thesis advisor prior to matriculation, students will be expected to spend a defined minimum amount of time in that laboratory learning methods and reading relevant papers.
  • Declaration of master’s thesis research mentor/supervisor is required by the close of the Fall semester.
  • Fulfillment of any other program-specific requirements, as 大纲d in Sections II-V.


春季学期 第一年


  • Coursework required by the program or electives identified by student and or graduate student advisor. Remember that courses at Fisk and Vanderbilt Universities are available for Fisk student registration.
  • 与硕士论文指导老师合作, 概述详细的研究项目和计划, 并开始对这一领域的知识状况进行文献总结, 未回答的问题或理解上的空白, 以及你的研究将涉及哪些方面. This summary ultimately will be the backbone of the Literature Review section of the Master’s thesis and of the Introduction to the thesis proposal. 因此, 除了磨练科学写作技巧, 这种期望对学生有很多积极的影响.
  • Create a thesis committee; summarize your proposed research in a short document. Share with your advisor, and with their approval, share with the rest of your thesis committee. 在春季学期安排一次委员会会议, and certainly no later than within the first two weeks of the 夏天 Semester, 最好是在第一年春季学期的早些时候.
  • Students whose academic performance is below the required B average ( GPA of 3.0) at the end of the Spring semester will be put on academic probation; the status of continued or interrupted funding during academic probation will be decided after consultation of the student’s research supervisor/mentor and the DGS for the program, 研究生院院长批准了他们的决定.  Students will not be eligible for tuition waivers from Fisk University while on academic probation.


夏天 第二年开始


  • 这段时间留给 全职的研究. 它只适用于以下项目:生物学硕士, 物理学硕士, 以及范德比尔特桥项目.
  • 只在夏季提供的选修课程可以采取, but only with written approval of the 研究生院院长 of the Program, 由研究生院院长共同签署.
  • 为秋季选择合适的课程, 如果还需要的话, 可以识别和注册吗, 为每个硕士课程提供合适的课程, again with the approval of the 研究生院院长 for that program.


秋季学期 第二年


  • 课程, as advised by the thesis research advisor and  研究生院院长, 包括与学生研究项目相关的选修课.
  • Participation in 研究生 Program-specific required programs, such as seminars, Colloquia, etc.
  • Participation in relevant 研究生 School Professional Skills Workshops (these often will occur on Saturdays, 但会提前在宝拉·亨普希尔的办公室登广告).
  • 继续研究.
  • Meet with Thesis Committee a second time to review progress in summer research; prepare for that meeting in concert with  your research advisor. 根据论文委员会迄今为止的进度建议, 毕业意向表格必须准备好, 由适当的教员和管理人员签名, and taken to the Registrar’s office by the stated December deadline for the Academic Calendar of that year ( each Academic Year’s calendar is available on line). 完成课程的学生, 作业性能, and/or research has not progressed in a timely fashion will develop a timeline for delayed graduation. HOWEVER, please note that stipend funding is only committed for 24 calendar months.


春季学期 第二年


  • 继续研究, finding national and regional meetings and other venues for continuing presentation of project results and experimental plans; presentation at the Fisk Annual Research Day in the Spring is expected.
  • 发展 大纲 of the thesis document, for review by the Committee no later than February 15th,包括主要文献来源和要纳入的数据.
  • 参加以项目为重点的研讨会/座谈会/活动.
  • 完成硕士学位的计划.